LoL sebenarnya sebuah singkatan, tapi singkatan yang mana, kepanjangannya apa?
Ternyata setelah dicari-cari, artinya banyaaaaakkk sekali, ada yang menyebut LoL itu adalah “Lough Out Loud” (tertawa terbahak-bahak) ada juga yang nyebut lol itu “Lots of Love” (banyak cinta) atau juga “Lots of Luck” (banyak keberuntungan)[1]. Bahasa ini dipakai untuk komunikasi melalui komputer/internet – yaa chatting itulah..
Kalo dalam bahasa Belanda lol artinya “fun” (lollig artinya lucu). Lol juga dipakai untuk singkatan atau istilah lain seperti nama film, video game nama lokasi dan lain-lain.
Tapi lol juga dipakai sebagai bahasa pemrograman komputer sebagai perintah instant messaging – penampilan pesan pada windows.
Contohnya bisa dicoba yang berikut:
Buka notepad.
Copy paste kode ini: lol=msgbox (“Virus berbahaya terdeteksi di komputer Anda. Pilih YES untuk memformat harddisk Anda sekarang, atau NO untuk memformat harddisk setelah restart.”,20,”Warning”)
Copy paste kode ini: lol=msgbox (“Virus berbahaya terdeteksi di komputer Anda. Pilih YES untuk memformat harddisk Anda sekarang, atau NO untuk memformat harddisk setelah restart.”,20,”Warning”)
Save dengan nama virus-palsu.vbs
Klik double file tadi. Apa yang terjadi? Tenang…ini bukan virus
beneran, cuma messagebox menampilkan pesan yang anda tulis diantara dua
tanda petik tadi. Bleh dicoba untuk pesan yang lain, misalnya
mengucapkan selamat datang ketika windows start. Ini bisa dilakukan kalo
anda simpan file tadi di Start Menu -> Programs -> Startup.[2]
Ya meskipun Prima adalah orang
Informatika, tapi kalo dilihat konteksnya tadi, mungkin arti LOL yang
dimaksud adalah “Lots of Love”, atau Lot apalah…yang maksudnya bahasa
gaul di internet. Ada yang lagi jatuh cinta ma dia kali..hehehe…
Ada banyak lagi singkatan gaul yang biasa dipakai untuk komunikasi lewat komputer/internet atau Chat, coba lihat yang ini:
AAF | Always And Forever |
AML | All My Love |
AMZ | Amazing |
ANY1 | Anyone |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
ASL | Age, Sex, Location? |
AYT | Are You There? |
B/C | Because |
B4 | Before |
BBE | Babe |
BBS | BeBack Soon |
BBZ | Babes |
BCOS | Because |
BF | BoyFriend |
BF4L | Best Friend For Life |
BRB | Be Right Back |
BTW | By The Way |
CIO | Check It Out |
CML | Call Me Later |
COZ, CUZ | because |
CU | See You |
CUL, CUL8ER, CUL8R | See You Later |
CYT | See You Tomorrow |
DANG | Damn |
DIY | Do It Your Self |
DND | Do Not Disturb |
DUCWIC | Do You See What I See |
EOF | End Of File |
EOL | End Of Lecture |
ETA | Estimate Time of Arrival |
ETD | Estimate Time of Departure |
EZ | Easy |
F2F | Face to Face |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Question |
FB | Face Book |
FFA | Free For All |
FSM | Female Seeking Male |
FWD | Forward (Email) |
FX | Effects |
FYA | For Your Amusement |
FYE | For Your Entertainment |
FYI | For Your Information |
G2G | Gotta Go |
G2H | Go To Hell |
G4U | Great For You |
G8,GR8 | Great |
GBFN | Goodbye For Now |
GBU, GBY | Good Bless You |
GF | Girl Friend |
GJ | Good Job |
GL | Good Luck |
GW | Good Work |
H&K | Hug and Kiss |
HAND | Have A Nice Day |
HAY | How Are You |
IC | I See |
IDC | I Don’t Care |
IHU | I Hate You |
ILU | I Love You |
ILU2 | I Love You Too |
ILYF | I Love You Forever |
IM | Instant Message |
IMU | I Miss You |
JAM | Just A Minute |
JK | Just Kidding |
K | OK |
KIT | Keep In Touch |
KMA | Kiss My A** |
L8ER, L8R | Later |
LIG | Let It Go |
LMA | Leave Me Alone |
LYL | Love You Lots |
M8 | Mate |
MTA | More Than Anything |
MYOB | Mind Your Own Business |
MYSM | Miss You So Much |
N/C | Not Cool, Not Connected |
N2MU | Nice To Meet You |
NATO | No Action Talk Only |
NTP | Need to Pee |
NVM | Never Mind |
OL | On Line |
ORG | Organization |
OTW | On The Way |
PLZ | Please |
PM | Private Message |
Q&A | Question And Answer |
QT | Cutie |
RFC | Request For Comment |
RIP | Rest In Peace |
RLY | Really |
RU | Are You? |
S/B | Should Be |
SIG | Signature |
SRY | Sorry |
SXC | Sexy |
THX | Thanks |
TMW | Tomorrow |
TNT | ‘till Next Time |
TOY | Thinking Of You |
TQ | Thank You |
UK | Are You Okey |
VN | Very Nice |
W/ | With |
W/E | What Ever |
W/O | Without |
W8 | Wait |
WAY, WRU | Where Are You |
WTF | What The F***? |
WYSIWYG | What You See Is What You Get |
WYGIWYS | What You Get Is What You Share |
XD | lol |
XOXO | Hugs and Kisses |
XX | Kiss Kiss |
XXX | Kisses |
Y | Why? |
ZZZ | Sleepy, Bored or Tired |
2B | To Be |
2Day | Today |
2L8 | Too Late |
2NITE | tonight |
4EVER | Forever |
4GM | Forgive Me |
831 | I Love You (8 Letters, 3 Words, 1 Meaning) |
88 | Bye bye |
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